Today's postings

  1. [Baren 41088] Re: Contacts in Las Vegas ("DePry Clan")
  2. [Baren 41089] From: Jill Smith (owner-baren #
  3. [Baren 41090] Repairing cherry woodblock? (l k)
  4. [Baren 41091] Re: Repairing cherry woodblock? (David Bull)
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Message 1
From: "DePry Clan"
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:49:16 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41088] Re: Contacts in Las Vegas
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I can meet with you. I live in Green Valley. Let me know.
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Message 2
From: owner-baren #
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 08:09:05 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41089] From: Jill Smith
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Here is some inspiration for those of you doing the map print exchange. I
saw this print last summer at the Renegade Craft fair in Brooklyn.

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Message 3
From: l k
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:09:52 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41090] Repairing cherry woodblock?
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I've used the wood epoxy to repair a cherry block
where I lost sight of my cutting....I was having a hard time wrapping my mind around what I was doing.
In recutting through the hardened wood epoxy,
I'm watching parts of the epoxy chipping off/out,
and am beginning to think it's life expectancy is not what it's pumped up to be.
(This is that two part stuff that comes in a tube, you slice off what you need.)
SO, although I'm dreading this,
I know I sooner or later would have to learn,
I believe I should begin to look into, and practice making an official wood block repair.
An inlay....of about a 2 inch square space.
Any advice? Instructions I can find? Guidance?
Should I just find a fine woodworking and "hire out"?
I'm so not feeling good about this.
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Message 4
From: David Bull
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:20:51 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41091] Re: Repairing cherry woodblock?
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> I believe I should begin to look into, and practice making an
> official wood block repair.
> An inlay....of about a 2 inch square space.

Did you read this, from John Amoss?
