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  1. [Baren 37993] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
  2. [Baren 37994] Re: Baren videos update (Julio.Rodriguez #
  3. [Baren 37995] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
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Message 2
From: Julio.Rodriguez #
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:30:09 GMT
Subject: [Baren 37994] Re: Baren videos update
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In case you have not seen them, there are a couple of new video links at
the Barenforum blog.

The first one is about Letterpress, a great documentary about the process,
tools and history. Beautiful stuff !!! I own some metal type and some of
the tools of the trade and when in the mood I play around on my Vandercook
press....I guess what I like about Letterpress is that (kind of like
moku-hanga and Japanese paper) the result is a beautiful impression on the
paper...quite a different look from what we get from modern laser printers
were the ink sits on top of the paper.

The other video is kind of neat for those of us 'handy' builders....a
homemade press made out of cheap stuff you can find at Home Depot like
iron pipes, elbows, etc....can be used for Letterpress as the young man
demonstrates or for relief........very neat, inexpensive to build and
impressive results !

I'll be putting up more video links this week so make sure to keep coming
back to check the blog.


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Subject: Homemade press
Posted by: Julio

This short video shows a homemade press that can be used for letterpress and possibly other forms of relief printmaking. Pretty ingenious and inexpensive design.

This item is taken from the blog BarenForum Group Weblog.
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Subject: Letterpress Documentary
Posted by: Julio

Here is a very nice documentary about letterpress and the tools and equipment required.

This item is taken from the blog BarenForum Group Weblog.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.