Jean Eger-Womack Richmond, California USA
'Yosemite National Park'
(Click image to pop-up an enlargement)
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Jean Eger Womack Richmond, California USA
“Yosemite National Park” This was printed partly on student Hosho and partly on Iyo Glazed, both white. It was printed at two different times, separated by several years. I tried to match the colors. The first run was done with dry pigments. The second run was done with Createx pure pigments and rice paste. It was printed with a plastic baren. There are six colors printed from four basswood blocks. The subject is the splendor and grandeur of Yosemite, along with what a comfortable home it is for wildlife. It was made from one of the watercolors of Yosemite that I have on my web site: http://
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