Marilyn, I am sorry to send this e-mail so publicly, however my computer couldn't find your privtate e-mail. I want to send you lots of strength so you can keep up with your husband. My sister had stage 4 cancer and lived another year and a half after the diagnosis. Therefore, the spirit in a person is very strong and can out live a doctor's report. Try to keep busy ....Sending you hugs and healthy wishes for you and your husbancd.jerelee basist
Thank you!
Did anyone else notice and think it curious that Gods' (with the apostrophe after the s) makes Gods plural?
I think it was great that a 5 year old would notice that his name spelled backwards was Draw.
Carol Chapel
Corvallis, OR 97333
Has anyone used stencils successfully with waterbased inks, brushing the pigment on?
I am not opposed to carving another block, but on the other hand...I just wondered if this has worked for anyone...
The blocks I am using are pretty abstract, sort of color fields as a landscape but I can see I need a little more definition but I don't want a hard edge...
I am open to suggestions here folks. It seems I could use tape, maybe.
Thanks and my best to all
My student used stencils a year ago - he managed to make a pretty precise
and big images - he used black tempera paint and a plastic cliches stencil.
he was brushing with medium hard brush. It looked like linocuts.
I couldn't repeat the process as precise as he did, but I'm sure it's
I think its going to be be ok don't worry. just do it. ;}
I also made some trials with multi colour stencils using watercolours and
foam mushroom tools - it was qiute pleasant to do - but it was just for fun.
I used cardboard stencils and it was much more unstable than plastic ones.
i made editions of 6 or seven - and it was wasted.
works better if you have a proper paper - that's obvious.
Was the plastic stencil attached to the block?
I looked up plastic stencils on google and there are many manufacturers...I had sort of envisioned something I could stick down and then remove...or wipe off...
I have used them successfully before with oil based inks..but water will lift almost anything and there is the problem of a mess if the water leaks under the edge of the stencil. I will try it and see how it goes.
Hi Barbara, I have been increasing the size of my carvings (i.e. 1ftx4ft). I use some extra paper and I tack the paper down all across the top leaving no room for movement. I then use the line drawing technique described on the baren home page but often make up some as I go along. I didn't say I have the linoleum on this piece glued to a large piece of wood so it can't move either. I can apply paint be brush, roller, fingers, toothpicks, etc. I use water based ink almost exclusively, Akua or any other printing ink. I don't use stencils but sometimes do block areas so they don't overlap, but not often. I like a painterly look for the prints. I will try to draw with my key board how it looks.
I ..
You can use very thin acetate for a stencil, although when I use stencils I usually make my own from tag board. Or take a manila envelope and brush on a mixture of turpentine and linseed oil. Hang it to dry. It cuts like butter when it's dry and it makes a nice stencil.You shouldn't use anything that's too wet with a stencil. A small foam brush, a make up sponge or a small piece of cheap mason's sponge works great. Visit my blog:
I've Used Mylar to make stencils/ masks with watercolor on woodblocks. I used thicker pigment and Mike Lyon's technique of pigment mixed into the rice paste. I brushed it onto a blank block thru the stencil (which I aligned with the kentos) and had no bleed or flow of ink on the block. Works pretty well.
Good luck
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No DVD available at this point. I'll let you know when it's released. Here's a link to their limited screening schedule:217 Films Screening Schedule (Or you can come visit me.)
I had a brain wave...sometimes the obvious is not so obvious....I will ink the block, apply the stencil and print...I was thinking of doing it the other way around...this will allow me to use much thinner stencils, possibly even wax paper...I will let you all know how it works
Thanks for all the advise and making me think this through a little more...I was thinking originally of stencil, ink and print....but I should have been thinking of ink, stencil and print...
My best to all
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Subject: Printing in earnest: Maples again
Posted by: Andrew Stone
Barens are covered. Paper has been cut, sized, aged, dampened, and placed in plastic bags to keep damp and printing has begun.
This is a shot in progress: about midway finished--9 impressions so far (and I think I'll need another 6-7).
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This item is taken from the blog Lacrime di Rospo.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.
Subject: New Studio!
Posted by: Linda
 | New studio space |
I think one of the hardest things about being a parent is that your child grows up. And they move out. And they leave an empty space behind that no amount of things can fill. Your heart is broken, you feel at a loss as to what to do.
 | before |
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This item is taken from the blog Linda Beeman - Printmaker. 'Reply' to Baren about this item.