Message 1
From: Kolene Dietz
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 14:28:09 GMT
Subject: [Baren 44367] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V57 #5772 (Oct 12, 2011)
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Message 2
From: Kristine Alder
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 17:07:39 GMT
Subject: [Baren 44368] Exchange Manager message
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Digest Appendix
Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...
Subject: Beetle and Proof
Posted by: Andrew Stone
This showed up in the driveway today. I think it showed up to check on my work as I was proofing yesterday. I think it is still a Prionus beetle but I am not sure. It lacks the little spikes on the thorax that are quite prominent on P. Californicus. But doesn't resemble the more common, local P. Coriarius beetle either. This is a quick proof of my beetle print (tube watercolors/rice paste and sumi). |
This item is taken from the blog Lacrime di Rospo.
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Subject: Wood Engraving
So graduate school is in full swing over here in Tennessee. I got a chance to try wood engraving for the first time! It is a very different experience. Instead of carving areas, you create your image with line and you work on end grain wood. Which mean the wood grain runs perpendicular to the carving surface so there is none of the chipping or splintering you usually have to deal with when you work a wood block. And as an extra special bonus, end grain engraving blocks just happen to be type high so you can print them on the letterpress. |
This item is taken from the blog Hannah Skoonberg.
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