Today's postings

  1. [Baren 42441] Re: rice paper (Louise Cass)
  2. [Baren 42442] Re: New Baren Digest (Text) V53 #5448 (Dec 1, 2010) (Graham Scholes)
  3. [Baren 42443] Print Drying Rack (Robert Arnold)
  4. [Baren 42444] Re: Print Drying Rack (Lazorko Tony)
  5. [Baren 42445] Re: Print Drying Rack (Barbara Mason)
  6. [Baren 42446] RE: Print Drying Rack ("Maria Arango Diener")
  7. [Baren 42447] Re: Print Drying Rack (Carol Montgomery)
  8. [Baren 42448] Re: Print Drying Rack ("Maria Arango Diener")
  9. [Baren 42449] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
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Message 1
From: Louise Cass
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 15:41:25 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42441] Re: rice paper
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Thanks for the link, Mark - it's a good concise history etc
with the pics - just what I wanted!
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Message 2
From: Graham Scholes
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 17:23:06 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42442] Re: New Baren Digest (Text) V53 #5448 (Dec 1, 2010) -- Rice Paper, Hiromi Papers
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> From: David Bull
>> -another question for Dave - don't most of the Japanese papers
>> originate from mulberry?? people often refer to the oriental papers
>> as 'rice' paper which I understand is totally erroneous -or is it??
> It's a myth, an absolute and total myth. It's been with us for
> literally hundreds of years, and nobody seems to know how/where it got
> started.
> Dave

It is the same myth that is related to Japanese Cars. The are called
them Rice Burners which is not so

It is known that some paper makers will put some rice fibre into the
mix to make the mulberry or other fibres go further... Wood pulp is
the other fibre added to do the same thing. When I visited a paper
maker with my buddy Noboru Sawai his friend Shigenobu Hamada who owns
a paper mill looked at a little print I had with me and immediately
said that the paper was bad.... to much wood pulp.... and gave the
gift back to me. ) Message 8:
> From: n9iwf #
> May I share this site: History of Washi (from Hiromi Papers)?
> I found it to be very instructive... and has some really nice pictures
> of each of these three types.
> Mark

Thanks for the site Mark.... It is one I have not seen. Great
For those who have not seen my little clip re printmaking, you can find
it on YouTube .... or my site.....

hummmmmmmm Dec 1st..... compliments of the season.

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Message 3
From: Robert Arnold
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 18:33:12 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42443] Print Drying Rack
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Could I get some recommendations on good table-top and wall mounted print
drying racks? The largest sheet I am printing is about 12" by 18".

Thanks, Robert
The Dog House Press
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Message 4
From: Lazorko Tony
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 18:39:01 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42444] Re: Print Drying Rack
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I think Jerrysartarama
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Message 5
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 20:11:58 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42445] Re: Print Drying Rack
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If you stack your prints in blotters with a sandwich of blotter, print,
newsprint, blotter, print, newsprint and change the prints out to clean dry
blotters after 30 minutes to an hour sandwiching them the same way (if you are
using damp paper) you will not ever need a drying rack and your prints will be
flat the next day. If you are using dry paper you do not have to move them. It
takes a little longer to dry this way but is very easy and you can put it
My best
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Message 6
From: "Maria Arango Diener"
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 21:31:44 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42446] RE: Print Drying Rack
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If you have ceiling space, this has worked for me very well over the years:

The �racks� are those $16 shelves from home improvement store and the
clothes pins from anywhere. I have them hanging on pulleys so I can lower
and raise but they can hang on just bicycle or utility hooks.
Each rack can hold over 100 prints, twice that many if I hang two prints on
the same pins back to back.

My partner in printmaking there is our own Barbara Mason who helped me print
the first puzzle print.


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Message 7
From: Carol Montgomery
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 21:38:53 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42447] Re: Print Drying Rack
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Very ingenious, Maria! What is a puzzle print? I am puzzled. Sincerely, Carol Montgomery, Helena, MT

Sent from my iPad
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Message 8
From: "Maria Arango Diener"
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2010 23:30:53 GMT
Subject: [Baren 42448] Re: Print Drying Rack
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A puzzle print??? You don't knooooowww?
Oh man, time for another one...

Generally speaking, a puzzle print is any print in which the block is sawed into pieces, each of which is carved and sometimes inked separately. The "puzzle" is then assembled at press and printed as a single image.

Now, that's so boring...let's try this!
A Maria-Puzzle-Print is a special kind of puzzle print whereby a humongous block or three are painstakingly sawed into many many many funny shaped pieces. Each of the pieces is then flown across the world landing squarely in the carving bench of brave printmakers everywhere. Each artist carves their little piece, sometimes unaware of the "big picture" but always under a theme.
The instigato--er, coordinator I meant, receives back the tiny blocks and assembles them one by one until all come home. She, er, I mean, whoever, then prints the entire puzzle composed of wonderfully carved images. Each printmaker then receives a rather large print of the entire project.

Please see these pages for the amazing result of such an enterprise.
First Baren puzzle:
And the second project, dubbed the Great Baren Cairn:



Digest Appendix

Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...

Subject: God's Walls
Posted by: Annie B

My plan for this Israel/Palestine print is to describe the situation using Old Testament Bible stories. Since the print is about a wall (Israel's separation wall), the story of Joshua and the Wall of Jericho came to mind.

First reduction for Wall of Jericho

Joshua was the leader of the Israelites after the death of Moses, and he led the 12 tribes in their conquest of Canaan (Israel). Their first battle was at Jericho, one of the earliest known walled cities in the world. In the Bible account God destroys the wall and as the huge stones fall they kill everyone inside the city, except a woman who who had helped the Israelites. Here's the passage:

1 Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in. 2 Then the LORD said to Joshua, ?See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. 3 March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. 4 Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams? horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets. 5 When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.?

Joshua 6:1-5

I have to admit that I hope a loud shout and a blast on the trumpets will bring down Israel's separation wall someday.

Second reduction for Wall of Jericho

There's another wall of great importance in Israel which I won't be showing in this print but which I'll mention, namely the Western Wall, or Wailing Wall. Located in Jerusalem at the foot of the western side of the Temple Mount, this wall is a remnant of the wall that surrounded the ancient temple's courtyard. It's one of the most sacred sites in Judaism and also a source of strife between Muslims and Jews, as Muslims worry that the wall is being used to further Jewish nationalistic claims to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, which Muslims also claim.

Israel seems to have a long history of wall issues.

MY next issue is this:

[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]

This item is taken from the blog woodblock dreams.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.

Subject: Test Print -- Press
Posted by: Ellen Shipley

Ok, this isn't too bad.  Recarving really helped.  Also I think my pressure was too high on the press yesterday.  Alignment seems to work.  I'm getting happy.  8-]

Not sure I care for the pinky-looking chop tho.  Maybe I'll go back to blue.

This item is taken from the blog Pressing-Issues.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.

Subject: Test Block 2 - Recarving
Posted by: Ellen Shipley

I have a tendency to carve too fine of lines that disappear in the printing process.  So I'm recarving the stonework on block 2 to make it more visible.  Recarved some elements on block 1 as well.  Half way thru all the cobbles.

And then on to another test print.


Ok, I recarved both blocks. 

The stonework took the most time, so I didn't get to make another test print yet.  Maybe after dinner.

[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]

This item is taken from the blog Pressing-Issues.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.

Subject: Test Print - Block 1
Posted by: Ellen Shipley

Less than satisfying test print.  I have a tendency to carve delicate lines when I really need to dig deeper.  Detail on Tay is disappearing.  Back to the carving board a bit today.

This was on the press.  I think I'll try the baren to see if I get something different.

This item is taken from the blog Pressing-Issues.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.