Today's postings

  1. [Baren 40966] paper size (Doug Haug)
  2. [Baren 40967] new to group (rickadkinsart #
  3. [Baren 40968] Re: new to group (mary caulfield)
  4. [Baren 40969] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
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Message 1
From: Doug Haug
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2010 23:01:34 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40966] paper size
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I hope you don't mind if I chime in on the paper size issue. Someone
mentioned the high price of paper as being the big expense. I must
disagree. The biggest expense I encounter is the time I spend in planning
the print, the carving and the time spent in printing. Sometimes I do slide
on the type of paper I use, in order to keep costs under control, but
nothing ever goes to waste. The drop is used in other prints, sometimes
allowing me to work out an image to fit what I have. I find it a challenge,
and quite fun. Keep the sizes consistent, please.

All the best.
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Message 2
From: rickadkinsart #
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 04:25:36 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40967] new to group
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Hello I am new to the group and so far have liked what I have seen.

My name is Rick I am 36 from Gadsden, Alabama, I will be graduating in
a few weeks from Jacksonville State University with a BFA in
printmaking. At JSU I am also the President of the Graphic Arts
Guild. Just to let everyone know we will be doing a print exchange in
the fall.



P. S.

Feel free to introduce yourselves to me.
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Message 3
From: mary caulfield
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2010 12:31:40 GMT
Subject: [Baren 40968] Re: new to group
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Hi Rick,
I'm also new to the group.
I live in Birmingham. I graduated from Brooklyn College in painting but printmaking has since become my passion. I like to work with copper in a tradition sense using new non toxic methods.
My site is
www.clarecaulfield .com
how to hear from u

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Subject: Transfering Cartoon
Posted by: Ellen Shipley

I got some transfer paper with my blocks.  It's waxy on both sides and is reusable.  It runs thru the printer and then you rub it onto the block.  Smudges easily, as I discovered, but it really worked very well.  Much easier than my usual chalking-the-back and tracing system.

This item is taken from the blog Pressing-Issues.
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