Today's postings
- [Baren 38356] Re: does anyone draw anymore? (Annie Bissett)
- [Baren 38357] everyone can do art - photoshop (Plannedscapes #
- [Baren 38358] Re: does anyone draw anymore? (aqua4tis #
- [Baren 38359] Re: does anyone draw anymore? (ArtSpotiB #
- [Baren 38360] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
Hi Bareners,
I'm late again to the conversation, but I have to say that I too,
like Tom, do a great deal of work that involves capturing imagery
from the internet and reinterpreting it. I don't draw much, aside
from rendering my found imagery in my own hand so that it's no longer
a photograph. I don't keep a sketchbook, I don't sketch from life, I
hardly ever even doodle, and for someone who has made a living as an
illustrator I actually don't draw very well. I started out as a
technical illustrator, so I've always used "drawing aids" of one sort
or another. Before I used a computer I used straight edges, T-
squares, a compass, Rapidograph pens, rubylith and x-acto blades --
hardly ever just my hand and a pencil. I envy people who draw well,
but I don't think my deficiency in drawing means that I can't be an
artist. In fact, I KNOW that I'm an artist.
Looking at art is another matter. I like art that is clearly drawing-
based, but I also like some art that's photo based, some art that's
purely abstract, some art that's big on concept. I like art. I like
all kinds of art. I love looking at art. I'm ... well, I'm an art slut!
love you guys,
"Everyone can do art" - I teach 'crafts' now and then and when I teach silk
painting on scarves, because I draw leaves on mine, that is what I teach them
to do. The students pretty much all say they can't draw and express doubt as
to why they bothered to sign up for the class because they can't paint or
draw. I let each of them pick a freshly picked leaf out of a pile, and I use an
oak leaf to show them how to look at the largest vein and how it branches to
smaller veins and those branch to smaller still veins until they 'run out',
which since it is a water dispersal system, is a pretty accurate way to look
at it. Then I show them that if they start with the main veins and work the
next most important ones, they will have the basic framework of their leaf
shape drawn. They can pay attention to where the outline goes concave and
convex and draw around the veins to get the shape right, and then they can look
at whether the edge is smooth or toothed to get that detail right. Each and
every one of them is then surprised at how accurately they can draw a leaf.
Once they understand the structure of the natural object and how it is put
together, once they know what to look for, they can reproduce it. To draw it
on a scarf with resist and paint lovely colors around it is merely a formality
in the process at that point, because they have learned the ability to
accurately draw so that the end product will represent real life nature. Anyone
can be taught to 'see' the tones and shapes and lines and to put them on paper
in any media. Each will be better at doing that in some certain media and
in some certain style, be it meticulous detail or flowing abstraction, but
everyone can do art! I believe this and sincerely wish more kids got sent to
art classes and owned art materials and were encouraged to mess around with
them on a regular basis.
Photoshop - it is just today's tool. I remember using onion skin tracing
paper held over a photograph to put trees behind buildings in my composition
sketches, for example, and I remember going to stores that had photocopiers to
cut and paste and enlarge and reproduce until my study sketch was what I
wanted it to be. Once I figured out that, for profit, all art should be sized to
ready-to-buy mat sizes to eliminate the need for expensive profit sucking
custom framing, I used the photocopier and a blank mat and scotch tape and an
exacto knife to get the image sizes finessed before I made the final painting
or drawing or block print art from a composition sketch. Photoshop is SO
much easier, but really, not that much different from all the 'technology' I was
using to add accuracy to my work years ago. But if a person does not
understand aesthetic and composition 'rules' and 'principles', no tool or
technology is going to make what they do with that tool be art. Sometimes,
contemporary art only LOOKS like anyone could do it, just like those who make
gymnastics look easy!
personally i love to draw but not realistically. if i want realism ill take a photo. however, i certainly agree with ruth and sharri. art can be made up of many things including digital images etc. the most important thing to me is the artists own creativity. thats what gives a work soul
Terrific discussion.
Lots, but not all, of the current assemblage/rearranging of premade images in
printmaking reminds me of disco music. Formulaic. Not pushed far enough to be
of interest in it's own right. Of the many artists I've met who use these
short cuts, often they claim that speed and ease is the most important factor
(rather than a deepening of experience and meaning).
Like disco music, I find only a few art works of this genre of real or
lasting interest. So few, such a waste of time....
ArtSpot Out
Benny in Oakland
The artist brings something into the world that didn't exist before, and he
does it without destroying something else. -John Updike, writer (1932-2009)
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Subject: EZ Scroll Mount
Posted by: Annie B
When I hung my Three Prophets prints above my living room sofa I decided that I wanted them to look like scrolls, so I devised an elaborate method involving two pieces of wood, some felt and three little screws. It also involved making a small hole at the top of each print -- OK for my own set of prints but probably not so cool for a print I hope to sell to someone else.
So here's another scroll-type mounting system I cooked up for showing the prints without harming them.
Materials: strips of wood, strips of acid-free mat board, binder clips.
I found some simple 3/4" pine moulding with rounded edges at Home Depot in the lumber section, which I cut about an inch wider than the prints. I sanded and stained the wood, then cut some 3/4" strips of spare mat board to the width of the print (not the extra width of the wood). The mat board protects the back of the print from the clips. For binder clips, I found some medium size clips in a classy brass finish that I thought would look nice.
Position a strip of mat under the print.
[Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here]
This item is taken from the blog Woodblock Dreams.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.