Message 1
From: Mary Kuster
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 20:10:13 GMT
Subject: [Baren 38135] Baren Ads & Ops Volume 1 February 2009
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Posted by: Dean Clark
Summer Class in Florence, Italy Syracuse University Experimental Printmaking and the Artist's Book (PRT 300/500, 3 credits, undergraduate or graduate) May 28 ? July 11, 2009 Prof. Holly Greenberg This is a hands-on studio for art students interested in exploring new ways of image-making through experimental methods of printmaking and the artist's book. Demonstrations include: monotype, collagraph, photo-collagraph, Pronto plates, gum printing, chine colle, eastern and western bookbinding, and marbleizing paper. Studio work is complemented with field trips to the Uffizi Gallery and area artisans working in book arts, printmaking, and fine art papers. DEADLINE: MARCH 1 Assistant Professor of Art-Printmaking Syracuse University School of Visual & Performing Art Comstock Art Building Syracuse, NY 13210 315.559.3206
This item is taken from the blog Printmakingblog.
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Subject: something frivolous
Posted by: Andrew Stone
This item is taken from the blog Lacrime di Rospo.
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Subject: Self Portrait with Tree: Tree Hugger
Posted by: Linda Beeman
When given the theme of doing a self-portrait with or as a tree, I decided on "with". Previous self portraits that I have done just show my face. This time I wanted to explore an inner self. Because my prints are based on the land and waterscapes of Michigan and I care deeply about the quality of the Great Lakes and the rivers and streams that feed them, I've had some ask me if I am an environmentalist. In my mind, an environmentalist is more science based. They know the "whys", the "hows" and the "what needs to be done" of the environment. I would not pretend to know those things and am thankful there are people who do and bring needed attention to the environment's stresses and needs. Having been a participant in the very first Earth Day I do feel a repsonsibility to my immediate environment. Oh do I hate litter! I cannot understand why people still do it. I am beyond annoyed by people who trash our water systems with everything from empty soda cans to tires and furniture. "Our ability to percieve quality in nature begins, as in art, with . . . [Long item has been trimmed at this point. The full blog entry can be viewed here] |
This item is taken from the blog Linda Beeman - Printmaker.
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