Oh dear oh dear! Where does time go?!
Time for a quick update on Baren Exchanges:
Exchange #38 has been mailed back to participants.
Everyone should be receiving their packages soon, although please allow some
extra time due to heavy holiday package traffic.
Yipeee! THANK YOU Benny!
I will be updating the gallery online as soon as I get my set.
Exchange #39
Drop out deadline is January 1st, in 3 days. If you must drop out, please do
so promptly. There is nobody on the waiting list and I hesitate to call for
participants this late, but if anyone wants to join AND CAN DELIVER PRINTS
by the deadline, please contact coordinator39@barenforum.org right away.
Two sets of prints have been mailed!
Deadline for receiving prints is February 1st, or roughly five weeks away.
Let's get back on track and delivering prints promptly to AEleen.
PLEASE NOTE: The collation deadline is for coordinators, not meant as a
"grace period" for participants. I will be removing from the information
page in subsequent exchanges to avoid confusion and/or delusion.
Don't forget: talk to your coordinator about your mailing plans, include
postage or money, include a return label and sturdy reusable container, fill
in the print information, and optionally buy a nice little case to keep the
darned thing forever more.
All these links can be reached from the information page and current status:
Exchange #40 - Paper: chuban - Theme: open - Sign-up January 1 2009 - Due
May 1 2009
Sign up begins January 1st. I better get my act together.
As always, participants who did NOT participate in the previous exchange
will have a week to sign up at their leisure to secure their spot before the
rest of us exchange junkies pounce upon the sign up page.
Sign up will be here and will update at the appropriate time:
Happy 2009! Happy printing!
Maria Arango