Today's postings

  1. [Baren 36241] Re: Exchanges update! (L Cass)
  2. [Baren 36242] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4444 (Jul 28, 2008) (Marilynn Smith)
  3. [Baren 36243] Re: Exchanges update! (Darrell Madis)
  4. [Baren 36244] Re: London eye print (Annie Bissett)
  5. [Baren 36245] linoleum prints (MarianaBartolomeoBrooksmueller)
  6. [Baren 36246] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4445 (Jul 29, 2008) (Lynn Starun)
  7. [Baren 36247] Re: linoleum prints (David Harrison)
  8. [Baren 36248] Re: John Center (ArtfulCarol #
  9. [Baren 36249] RE: Exchange 37a ("Maria Arango")
  10. [Baren 36250] RE: old blocks and waitlisters ("Maria Arango")
  11. [Baren 36251] Re: Exchanges update! ("Maria Arango")
  12. [Baren 36252] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4445 (Jul 29, 2008) ("Maria Arango")
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Message 1
From: L Cass
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 10:57:12 -0400
Subject: [Baren 36241] Re: Exchanges update!
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Maria - My prints went off yesterday and should be there in about 5
days - just hope Customs doesn't delay delivery -

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Message 2
From: Marilynn Smith
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 08:14:58 -0700
Subject: [Baren 36242] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4444 (Jul 28, 2008)
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Maria, for most people your suggestions about USPS would work very
well. I live where we have a small contract post office. I walk
there, it is 2 doors from my house, no gas involved. My postal person
has hand delivered packages to my door. In fact, one who is a retired
teacher is my Macintosh Club president. He and his wife hand deliver
all the mail to the 2 elderly ladies, one next door to me and the
other across the street from me, even though they are supposed to go
to their post office box and pick it up. I would never use UPS, they
once left over a hundred dollars worth of art supplies under a
neighbors travel trailer, in the rain. It sat there several days
before I found a delivery address that was next door to me. I had a
dry front porch, the driver just did not want to go up the hill to my
door, it was easier to leave my package at the neighbors, who were
summer and weekend people. Unless things have changed you can get a
tracking number when you mail your packages.

I just redid a lino block that never worked. Do not ever ever throw
out your blocks when they do not seem to work. This block sat in a
box for a few years and the other day I picked it up and went, I know
what is wrong with this and reworked it. My studio and press are not
workable, just yet, but soon I will be able to run this new gem. Ahhh
warm weather, it was 72 here the other day, a heat wave! Would you
send just 5 to 10 degrees of that heat here, please? Than you could
be cooler and I could be warmer!

For a list waiter, how long does one have to get prints mailed??
Should they be already printed or could I use that little reworked
block and run them and have a few days for all to dry? I might be able
to squeeze in a press day around the remodel.

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Message 3
From: Darrell Madis
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 08:31:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 36243] Re: Exchanges update!
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Don't forget to order a case for you print exchange. You can order through the Baren Mall:

A great and attractive way to keep the prints together.

Madis Arts
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Message 4
From: Annie Bissett
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 11:37:06 -0400
Subject: [Baren 36244] Re: London eye print
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Hi Bareners,

Here's a link to the print Jennifer and I are talking about:

I had commented on Jennifer's way of adding color to her black and
white print, asking if she was printing color monoprint-style from a
block rather than coloring by hand on the print itself as printmakers
often do. Jennifer replied, "The colours were free hand added to the
block monoprint style as you said. Thank you for reminding me of the
term as I was at a loss to know how to describe it. Perhaps 'Relief
and Mono lino print using watercolour pigments and paste' would cover

So now I have another question. Are you printing moku hanga style
using linoleum?? I thought that couldn't be done! What kind of
watercolor pigments are you using?

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Message 5
From: MarianaBartolomeoBrooksmueller
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 09:37:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 36245] linoleum prints
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I wondered if anyone has ever tried to etch linoleum in order to make a relif print.
Also, if linoleum can be coated with a light sensitive coating and etched in the sun and then relief printed? I want to try and combine this idea with printing weathered wood grain for layered textures.
Thank you for any input.
Virtu Studio
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Message 6
From: Lynn Starun
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 13:01:33 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 36246] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4445 (Jul 29, 2008)
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Hi Maria,
I got my prints for #37 in the mail this morning. I enclosed stamps to equal the postage for Priority shipping back to me and added a little extra just in case other people used heavier materials than I did?? They said it should get there by Thursday.

I have to confess that I made a major error in my print. I should have checked that the printout from my keyblock print that I used to paste onto the subsequent blocks matched the keyblock print in size. Somehow it was altered slightly so that the kento mark was wrong. So I blithely carved all three color blocks and when I proofed them, realized I had a problem. I was too much of a coward to try to move the kento on the three as they matched up so well to each other and there wasn't enough room to move the kento outward so I moved the kento inward on the keyblock but I didn't think then of how that would alter the finished size because it made the border narrower after I cut the paper so it would be even side to side. I left a wider border at the bottom so the height of my print is 10" but my width is 7". I have learned a valuable lesson and am hoping that since it's smaller rather than larger that I can be forgiven....
Lynn Allison Starun
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Message 7
From: David Harrison
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 22:08:21 +0100
Subject: [Baren 36247] Re: linoleum prints
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I think you can etch lino using substances such as caustic soda. Caution
required, obviously!


David H
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Message 8
From: ArtfulCarol #
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 17:17:38 EDT
Subject: [Baren 36248] Re: John Center
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You have been looking for the information about John Center. He has been
out of touch for more than a year. This is the newest e-mail address I
managed to dig out of my computer.
_formschnider@aol.com_ (
He was not well.
We are worried about him since we haven't heard.

If anyone knows please e-mail me.

Carol Lyons
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Message 9
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:09:19 -0700
Subject: [Baren 36249] RE: Exchange 37a
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Received them!

Thank you

Maria Arango
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Message 10
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:24:22 -0700
Subject: [Baren 36250] RE: old blocks and waitlisters
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Another great use for old blocks!
I like to modify and reprint anything I find, sometimes they lend themselves
to starting a new series or ending an old one.

On the exchange wait list, typically...
The first three people on the wait list are almost always called upon to
substitute prints for someone who goes MIA. For sure the first two people on
an exchange wait list should prepare prints as if they were in the exchange.

Usually when the "dropout deadline" is announced, one or two participants
decide to bow out gracefully and one or two waitlisters are called upon to
fill in. Closer to the deadline, the coordinator desperately tries to
communicate with every participant who has not been heard from. If someone
does not respond to three or four attempts, then they are dropped at the
discretion of the exchange manager (that would be moi) and another
waitlister is "promoted" at the eleventh hour.

So, what to do if you are on the wait list? I have been on the first few
spots and always gotten in. The worst that can happen is that you end up
with an edition of prints for yourself...or the next appropriate exchange!

I hope this helps,

Maria Arango

> I just redid a lino block that never worked. Do not ever ever throw
> out your blocks when they do not seem to work. This block sat in a
> box for a few years and the other day I picked it up and went, I know
> what is wrong with this and reworked it. My studio and press are not
> workable, just yet, but soon I will be able to run this new gem. Ahhh
> warm weather, it was 72 here the other day, a heat wave! Would you
> send just 5 to 10 degrees of that heat here, please? Than you could
> be cooler and I could be warmer!
> For a list waiter, how long does one have to get prints mailed??
> Should they be already printed or could I use that little reworked
> block and run them and have a few days for all to dry? I might be able
> to squeeze in a press day around the remodel.
> Marilynn
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Message 11
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:25:42 -0700
Subject: [Baren 36251] Re: Exchanges update!
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Thank you Darrell for the reminder.

I second that! I've bought a case for all my exchanges and they look
absolutely impressive in their folio cases.

I better get to ordering mine!


Maria Arango
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Message 12
From: "Maria Arango"
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:30:07 -0700
Subject: [Baren 36252] Re: New Baren Digest (HTML) V44 #4445 (Jul 29, 2008)
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Poof! You are forgiven, see how easy that was?

Thanks for the update.

Maria Arango