Today's postings
- [Baren 35380] Akua colors (guadalupe victorica reyes)
- [Baren 35381] Re: Akua Kolor ("Amanda Miller")
- [Baren 35382] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
- [Baren 35383] Re: Sharpening stones and chop question flag up. ("Mark Mason")
Amanda and Sahara: Thank you very much for the information.
Best Regards,
I'm definitely in an experimental phase with the Akua Kolor so I'm glad to
hear about others' experiences with it. Sarah, do you let your ink dry
between colors, or just layer while wet? Can you redampen the paper between
colors if you need to?
Re: Pampers Wipes--My son is 15 months old, so we always have wipes on
hand. I started keeping wipes while I'm printing to clean my fingertips for
picking up paper, and they worked so well that I started using them for
clean up, too.
Kris, Akua sells tack thickener and a couple of other modifiers along with
the inks.
The best place to buy sharpening stones is on Baren's own Mall site. You can buy a really good value set of whetstones in a small container from there. I have a set and it meets all my sharpening needs. Add to that a honing leather and stick for keeping the edge keen when carving and you're away.
I'm relatively new to this, compared to other members of the forum, but I've found that the better you get at carving, the less snapping of blade tips occurs. Just a few strokes on the honing leather every once in a while works wonders.
Honing leather and paste sticks are available from Lawrence's (UK) and McClains (US).
Someone recently asked about getting a chop carved and the question seems to have got lost amongst other comments. I'd like to know where you can get these made too. I've seen a couple of people in China on Ebay who offer the service, but I've not tried them. I got a craft supplier in the UK to produce a sheet of my chop designs on an A5 rubber sheet which I cut up and made rubber stamps from. Any other options?
Cheers, Mark.