Thanks again to everyone that has send suggestions regarding the resume. I'm probably gonna submit, I guess I have some ego to spare in case of a rejection and it'd probably be a a learning experience, not to mention ending up with a written resume that hopefully I can add to in the future.
> The creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world by deciphering and interpreting its inner
>qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act.
I agree, what a great statement and how true. I sent a picture of one of my prints to a friend. She sent back that "she" was dancing. My husband said??? "she". I said yes my friend thinks this is a female image. In other words my friend interacted with the image in her way, decipered it as the spectator. In reality this image was from a flower I had drawn and carved, not a female at all, but generic, now it has become a female to the spectator. Perhaps I led the way to that interpretation with the title. It suggests dancing, that coupled with the image led her to believe that it was female. Interesting iindeed.
Hullo Baren digest.Please could you tke me off your email list as I
can't open the attachments on my computer. Thank you. Best wishes,
Merlyn Chesterman.
Just remember, Tibi, that as long as you have entries out so that you are
anticipating the unknown answer, you have hope. An old artist taught me to always
have several show entries in process so that any refusals don't trash your
ArtSpot Out
Benny Alba in studio
There is no greater gift to an insecure leader that quite matches a vague
enemy who can be used to whip up fear and hatred among the population. -Paul
Rusesabagina, humanitarian (b. 1954)