Hi Aeleen and everyone else,
I have yet to fix a few of the comment forms. I have to add emails to a
master list file and haven't had the time to do it.
That's because I've been busy adding Exchange 29a (The Nude Saloon des
Refusees) and Exchange 30, a free theme exchange in an interesting square
small format, freshly uploaded this morning.
Check them out and hold your comments just a little while longer!
As to how the galleries are put together, er...slowly but surely? Oh, that's
not what you were asking probably.
I'm on it! I have two more to upload and waiting on images for the third and
we'll be all caught up.
PLEASE EVERYONE report any bugs with the latest exchanges to me
maria[at]mariarango.com or to Baren list is fine.
For the rest of the participants, here are some things that would make the
whole process so much easier:
-PLEASE send in your complete colophon information on time using the proper
form. Link to do this is on the Exchange_XX information page and send only
-PLEASE get prints in on time, this is the biggest issue in delaying
uploading print galleries.
-I will be changing the format of the colophon forms to make it easier for
our archivists to gather and catalog information for each print (this was a
big issue with the Spencer Museum Archive, especially when exhibiting
prints; keep in mind that the world out there has rules sometimes!).
At minimum, you should include:
1.Print title
2.Edition number or open edition if open
3.Block, paper and ink used
4.Comments regarding process or imagery
Thank you! These new prints are beautiful!!! Enjoy,
PS THANK YOU Mike Lyon for having all the "ingredients" ready for me to get
the galleries uploaded, to the coordinators who scanned images and to all
Maria Arango