Today's postings

  1. [Baren 34485] Re: One message (Shawn + Elizabeth Newton)
  2. [Baren 34486] floor vinyl (Barbara Mason)
  3. [Baren 34487] Re: floor vinyl (Shawn + Elizabeth Newton)
  4. [Baren 34488] it's about time: two new woodcuts ("James Mundie")
  5. [Baren 34489] Re: floor vinyl (Peter Kocak)
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Message 1
From: Shawn + Elizabeth Newton
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 08:39:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 34485] Re: One message
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I can dig this...

right now i'm working on a 45 x 62 inch portrait
of my step-brother-in-law Timmy. I'm cutting
into floor vinyl so the material was inexpensive.
And finding good floor vinyl may not be as cheap
as I stated in my first post a month or so ago,
but still way cheaper than linoleum or other art
store materials. It prints to clean too.

So, hopefully tonight or tomorrow sometime, i'll
get a photo posted to my little art website
( and you all
can wonder on over and check it out, yo.

So take care baren blogsters!
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Message 2
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 08:49:08 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 34486] floor vinyl
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Is this the kind that comes in a roll? did you cut it
with a knife or a gouge? I will be real interested to
see the results. I know lots of people who carve on
styrene with great success but it is sure not as
inexpensive as this. I assume you are using oil based
inks on this stuff. I wonder if you can sand the
surface to make it hold ink a little better.
Best to all,

> right now i'm working on a 45 x 62 inch portrait
> of my step-brother-in-law Timmy. I'm cutting
> into floor vinyl so the material was inexpensive.
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Message 3
From: Shawn + Elizabeth Newton
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 09:40:07 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 34487] Re: floor vinyl
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first of all, i cut the floor vinyl with knives
and gouges and whatever i like. it cuts exactly
like battleship linoleum. the stuff i get comes
in a roll, but if i could find squares that had
no texture, i'd use that. i use oil based inks
b/c i prefer them, but i've used acrylic based
and they work fine too. i would shy away from
using acrylic on a large print as it might dry
before you finish inking it. i dunno.
personally i hate styrene. the stuff is
and you don't need to do anything to the surface
to make it hold ink better. it's plastic. it
holds ink fine. to see one example i've already
finished, go to my website and look for the
"mouth...plaquey" image...
( that's done
completely on vinyl w/ oil based inks with no
prep done to the vinyl at all except to sort of
wash it purple so i can see where i made my cuts.
but i'm not even doing that anymore. the purple
was an oil paint wash and it just smeared real
bad and made a mess on my hands. being plastic,
the vinyl doesn't hold a wash real good, but
holds ink wonderfully.

i was luck to find a spot that has it for $5 a
yard, but the other places around town only go as
low as $8 a square yard for comparable stuff, but
it's still really affordable. way cheaper than
battleship. be sure whatever you buy has no
texture on it. no woodgrain or stone or tile or
any kind of texture. the image doesn't matter as
long as it's smooth and flat.

have fun.
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Message 4
From: "James Mundie"
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 16:37:32 -0500
Subject: [Baren 34488] it's about time: two new woodcuts
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Hello, folks. It's been a while.

I haven't been spending much time here because I've been wrapped up in lots of other projects (including a wee bairn on the way come April), but after a long time away from the blocks I have managed to finish two new woodcuts. One was a commission based on a drawing of St. Andrew's Castle I had done on a visit to Scotland last year: The other is a self-portrait for exchange 34: - so don't look at that one if you're in the exchange and want to be surprised.


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Message 5
From: Peter Kocak
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 04:09:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 34489] Re: floor vinyl
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The floor vinyl is well done material, no need to sand, only if you need a special effect of surface of print, no other case, look at my cut there in exchange FALL 07,good luck!

Peter Koc�k
alias Pietrocelli=Marukiboshi=The bridge made of fallen tree=japanese nick