Today's postings

  1. [Baren 30847] Wax (baren_member #
  2. [Baren 30848] Re: wax (ArtfulCarol #
  3. [Baren 30849] Re: Baren Digest (old) V35 #3469 ("Marilynn Smith")
  4. [Baren 30850] Re: baren summit (Sharri LaPierre)
  5. [Baren 30851] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
  6. [Baren 30852] Summit participation. (Salsbury)
  7. [Baren 30854] Puzzle project #2 "The great Baren Cairn 2007" ("Harry French")
  8. [Baren 30853] Masa, Hosho, or ? (Leigh Beatty)
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Message 1
From: baren_member #
Date: 6 May 2006 13:37:31 -0000
Subject: [Baren 30847] Wax

Message posted from: Dale Phelps

"Wow wax resist on woodblock, that one I wil have to try. But what kind of
For application the wax used by potters to resist the glaze would work great. It is liquid, drys fairly quickly, and doesn't chip off. It would be difficult to remove however and would have to be used as a last step. In ceramics the only way to remove it is to put the pot back in the kiln, hardly a solution here!

Dale Phelps, Waterloo, IA
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Message 2
From: ArtfulCarol #
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 09:27:32 EDT
Subject: [Baren 30848] Re: wax
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I think this might work on wood for reduction prints:
.I've used a resist on paper for my watercolors. It is brushed onto any area
of the paper that you don't want painted. Paint right over it. When the
area is dry you can rub it off. It comes in a bottle. Ask in any art supply

Also candle wax as resist for special effects on paper, but it is not
Carol Lyons
Irvington, NY
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Message 3
From: "Marilynn Smith"
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 10:33:51 -0600
Subject: [Baren 30849] Re: Baren Digest (old) V35 #3469
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Brad, I went to the first summit and was not very good at my carving.
Definitely I had a lot to learn and it was very informative. At that summit
there were some who worked on their carving and some who just went social
and met with us and watched. You will not be left out or feel unworthy with
this group they are very giving and caring. A wonderful group. If you bring
a lino block and carve on that no one will criticize that, it is acceptable.
We are artists and open to all creative minds who are interested in
woodblock or even other types of printing, but on the list we really do try
hard to keep our discussions on relief printing. You will truly enjoy the
people, meet some wonderful folks and walk away feeling like you are truly a
part of a wonderful group of people, friends and artists both. If Sharri is
only half as wonderful as Mike was you will not loose and I am betting she
will be every bit as wonderful in her own way. I went to the first summit
uncertain but felt it was a one time chanch to really do this and I was not
sorry. Who knows when or where we might do this again, if you can come grab
the chanch. And Mike thank you once again for a wonderful time in KC, you
are amazing.
About the wax, there is one art store new this year annd they have wax that
they use as a seal for envelopes, wondering if this would work???
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Message 4
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 10:02:00 -0700
Subject: [Baren 30850] Re: baren summit
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Here's the deal on the summit, Brad! Y'all come and you will learn a
batch AND we will all learn a batch from you. There is no hierarchy at
the summit, other than that I am Queen, ( a family joke ) - we are all
teachers and we are all students, and truth be told, often both at the
same time. Last time, when the Summit was at Mike's, I had NO interest
in hanga. I had taken a class several years before and it just didn't
appeal to me and I really couldn't imagine that I would ever want to do
it. I went purely for the opportunity to get out of town, pal around
with my buds, meet the people on the list, etc. About one day into the
week I was experimenting and Mike was helping me do the simple little
task of putting the paper down on the block. By the end of the week I
was beginning to see the light! A few months later I was doing a
series of large hanga prints with found wood for an upcoming show.
That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Barbara is very gracious with her descriptions of the place - it is not
the Taj Mahal, although we do have a Taj Ma-barn on the property. Ask
me this summer and I'll tell you that story!

Please, don't anyone be intimidated if you have not done hanga before.
There will be plenty of us oily folks around, too. Hustle right over
to and sign up now!!

See you in August!
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Message 5
From: Blog Manager
Date: 7 May 2006 03:55:04 -0000
Subject: [Baren 30851] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification
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This is an automatic update message being sent to [Baren] by the forum blog software.

The following new entries were found on the listed printmaker's websites during the past 24 hours. (18 sites checked, just before midnight Eastern time)


Site Name: David Bull, Woodblock Printmaker

Item: Small Print Collection - 3rd print uploaded


Site Name: m.Lee Fine Art

Author: m.Lee
Item: Poppies v17 $28


[Baren] members: if you have a printmaking blog (or a website with a published ATOM feed), and wish it to be included in this daily checklist, please write to the Baren Blog Manager at:
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Message 6
From: Salsbury
Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 00:05:51 -0500
Subject: [Baren 30852] Summit participation.
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Hi Brad,

Don't worry about not being a wood block printmaker. I attended the last
one just for the opportunity to meet the people that went with the voices.
I intended to take photos and visit, but those wood block people had other
ideas. I will be returning this time with all three of my tools and a
piece of wood. Hopefully it will already be carved and I can learn how to
use the water based pigments.

If you think you have learned a lot from the list, it's nothing to what you
will get out of the week at the summit. Think about it, a full week of
nothing but artist, art and more art. Everyone doing the same thing in
their own unique way. You just have to be there.

Looking forward to meeting you and all the new participants this time.

Sue Salsbury
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Message 7
From: "Harry French"
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 13:12:11 +0100
Subject: [Baren 30854] Puzzle project #2 "The great Baren Cairn 2007"
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Greetings all,
I did not intend to think about this project until next year, but then after imbibing a pleasant pint of Ale in a pub in Cornwall, UK, I found this in someone's field behind a few houses.....
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Message 8
From: Leigh Beatty
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 05:41:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 30853] Masa, Hosho, or ?
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As a novice in all this, I am looking for an inexpensive "acceptable" white paper. My hope is always to create something I am happy enough with to keep but more often than not, I chalk it up to a learning experience. I usually print on Rives BFK Lightweight when I am looking for something not white but I am not sure what to use for a real white.

There is Masa at $.69 and there is Masa Dosa from the Baren Mall at $6.50. There is also the waxed version for $2.39. Obviously the Baren Mall version is of better quality but is the cheaper version of "keeper" quality for a novice or is it just not worth saving the money? What does the waxed version bring to the table?

There is Daniel Smith's Professional Hosho at $3.63 and Hosho Premium Grade from the Baren Mall at $5.78. Again, obviously the Baren Mall version is of better quality but is the cheaper version of "keeper" quality for a novice or is it just not worth saving the money?

Any other suggestions for a bright white, thin, cost effective paper? I am brushing Akua Color monoprint inks onto woodblock. My paper is dry. I am printing with a baren. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Leigh