Today's postings

  1. [Baren 27060] Union show ("Connie Lambert")
  2. [Baren 27061] RE: Baren Digest (old) V30 #2957 ("marilynn smih")
  3. [Baren 27062] Re: Why Paste ("Joseph Sheridan")
  4. [Baren 27063] O.K., getting ready.... (Daniel Dew)
  5. [Baren 27064] Re: O.K., getting ready.... (Mike Lyon)
  6. [Baren 27065] Woodcut show (Cucamongie #
  7. [Baren 27066] Re: O.K., getting ready.... ("Joseph Sheridan")
  8. [Baren 27067] OT: meeting Bareners ("Maria Diener (aka Arango)")
  9. [Baren 27068] meeting Bareners (Barbara Mason)
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Message 1
From: "Connie Lambert"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 10:52:51 -0600
Subject: [Baren 27060] Union show
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Hi April and all,
Thanks for the link to Union College. Very nice work by all. I love your
patterns and bugs.

Mike I read your statement/bio. I must have missed it when searching your
site. (I was too busy admiring your prints). It helped explain the
registration concerns I wasn't understanding before. Wow what a set up you
have. An automatic paper dispensing table. I will definitely come for a

(Me being someone who only knows how to say goodbye in Japanese), Kento is
the word for method of registration? Correct? Is there more to it than that?
All of this information on inks/paste and methods of printing is putting new
print ideas in my head. A good thing but frustrating as well. Have more
thoughts and ideas than I have hours in the day. Ugh!!
Thanks all,
Connie Lambert
St. Louis
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Message 2
From: "marilynn smih"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 09:25:24 -0800
Subject: [Baren 27061] RE: Baren Digest (old) V30 #2957
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Dan, be persistant and you will love hanga. In time you should order powder
pigment and mix it for yourself, it will amaze you and be good for your
budget. Also no one has mentioned using good papers, you will be happier
with yourself once you take the plunge into beautiful paper made for Hanga.

As for the oil the wood or varnish the wood thing I listen to my husband.
He has worked with wood since long before I knew him. he has done fabulous
inlay work and knows the exotic woods well. He felt my Myrtle wood and
said, this has a lot of oil in it already, he said the same of the current
block, black walnut, that I am carving. Basswood is great for starting as a
carver and with it I found a light coat of varnish or shellac keeps it
stronger as it is quite soft. Maria in her dry climate might need to oil
because of her low humidity, it would dry out most anything.

I will fall back to our member Marco Fabio who at the summit said it well,
print , print , print. The more you do it the better you are. it is
something you have to get the "feel" of. We all have a different learning
curve and for some it will take more time and for some less, so keep with
it. Books and workshops are great for starting out, but doing it is the
best teacher. Already the most experienced of the group have shown you that
they are here to help along the way.

April and Mike, your show looks wonderful and the work is beautiful,

No off woodblock. I left my gum arabic in the states, ouch, I use it when i
do monotypes. (painter at heart here) Than I was reminded By Eli that honey
is a natural binder. When I mentioned using honey my husband said, " won't
the ants eat it?" Umm so if I use this as a binder, let it dry, will
insects invade my work?
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Message 3
From: "Joseph Sheridan"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 13:26:40 -0500
Subject: [Baren 27062] Re: Why Paste
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I find the use and amount of paste used, can make big difference in how the color is transferred to the paper.
The effects of paste and the recipes for making can be found in the Library. I like the Hiroshi Yoshida book. With variations in the amount of paste used, one can achieve a smooth bokashi or can bring out the grain of the block.
I buy rice flower at a local Asian food store and using mix up my own fresh paste.

I suggest looking at the Yoshida book here: as you work through hanga. There are great lessons to learn here.

Good luck Dan

Joe Sheridan
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Message 4
From: Daniel Dew
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:20:29 -0500
Subject: [Baren 27063] O.K., getting ready....
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Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for info, all very
Oh yeah, Dave's online picture process was fantastic! Anyone
interested go there and look and read.

One last question:

How do you cut the kento in the paper to match the kento on the block.

Is there a tool?

Daniel L. Dew
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Message 5
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 15:01:36 -0600
Subject: [Baren 27064] Re: O.K., getting ready....
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Dan wrote:
>How do you cut the kento in the paper to match the kento on the block.

Hi, Dan... The kento are carved to fit a corner and adjacent side-edge of
the paper, so all your paper needs is one square corner and side and you're
ready... If you are asking about the hanshita, then simply include the
kento shape on your preliminary drawing and subsequent drawings and you're
good to go... I wrote something about my peculiar method here:

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
Kansas City, Missouri
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Message 6
From: Cucamongie #
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 18:23:07 -0500
Subject: [Baren 27065] Woodcut show
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congrats April and Mike, looks like a wonderful show!! What a wonderful combination of artists -
all the best
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Message 7
From: "Joseph Sheridan"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 21:40:09 -0500
Subject: [Baren 27066] Re: O.K., getting ready....
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A nice square edge cut to a 90 degree corner is all I need for the Kento alignment. I also dab a lit of clear nail polish at the kento corner to help it keep its square through repeated printings. The source of that tip is of course David Bull.
Good luck Dan ..
Joe S
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Message 8
From: "Maria Diener (aka Arango)"
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 19:15:52 -0800
Subject: [Baren 27067] OT: meeting Bareners
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Just back from my first festival of the season, a near rainy disaster saved
by a few rays of sunshine on Sunday. But the very highlight of the weekend
was meeting Bobbette and hubby, who dropped by the festival. I really
recommend the experience of meeting other Baren members every chance you
get. I had met Bobbette prior in KC and it was absolutely delightful to see
her cheerful face again.

So who's organizing the next Baren Summit??? Let's plan something for 2006?


PS Y'all from back East and up Northwest can take the stinkin' rain back;
we've had enough, thanks though...

Maria Arango
Las Vegas Nevada USA
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Message 9
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 23:21:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 27068] meeting Bareners
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"Maria Diener (aka Arango)" wrote:
PS Y'all from back East and up Northwest can take the stinkin' rain back; we've had enough, thanks though...

We are having sun in Oregon, along with a bit of fog...but just for a couple of days while we await the rain returning from the southwest....

I agree, meeting other baren people is so much fun!

Lets get a summit for 2006 going...anyone have an idea where? Maybe Las Vegas???? or Oregon???? or where???
We would need a large space, if we do it in the summer we can probably find a printmaking department in a college or University, or an art camp somewhere. I vote for ocean or mountains or desert, or, well, just about anywhere will be ok with me.

Anyone volunteering to host it in your area? Of course following Mike will be tough as he let so many people camp on the floor! Unlikely we will find that again, but we might be able to idea at least. If we are camping it better be nice weather...I sure don't want to get rained on and it is really hard to carve in a tent in the rain. I did a fair amount of this camping stuff growing up and think I want to camp in a nice RV or a Motel now. Old age does have a few can just say, "I am too old to do that" and people believe you. They are building yurts in the park campgrounds here now for year round camping...they look pretty neat. I haven't stayed in one yet but think my kids have done so. They are young and adventure crazed.

Best to all,