All I can say is "WOW" and try to express my admiration for David Bull's
Hanga Treasure Chest and the first print of the series which arrived
First, you can find Dave's web pages about the project here:
Unfortunately though, the web pages don't BEGIN to illustrate the beauty
(and cleverness) of his wonderful presentation box -- it's really glorious
beyond words... Just totally functional, beautiful, SLICK! Dave's project
is this -- about every two weeks to produce and send out a small,
corner-mounted (you can easily slip the print out to admire both sides)
postcard-size woodblock print to his lucky subscribers (and I definitely
feel SO LUCKY today!) -- until the entire set of 24 prints has been
completed... The bottom of the box has a compartment to hold all the
prints, and the top folds into a wonderful little display easel with the
print of the week matted behind plexi... It's really just too cool!
But what left me speechless last night when I opened the package was the
PRINT! Very humbling experience to see this little gem of Mt. Fuji with
fantastic blind embossing in the foreground cherry blossoms and yellow
foliage... his carving is just exquisite throughout, but it's the PRINTING
of the thing which floored me! SOOOOoooo smooth -- no dark 'squeeze-out'
around the edges, no granularity in the color, absolutely PERFECT bokashi
in the subtle blue at the base of fuji -- wonderful metallic gold line
(beautifully modulated line) defining the mountain... This one print is
such a treasure! The illustration on Dave's site does not resemble the
thing which arrived last night in any way other than that it's an image if
a mountain and cherry branch -- the web image was apparently designed to
show the embossing, and the color is very deep and contrasty and
unappealing (to me) -- but the print in person is SUBTLE to perfection --
and pale and evocative and, well, just really, REALLY WONDERFUL. I feel
like a bit of a THIEF to have received this jewel of art and craftsmanship
for less than $20 (the entire set including the box for under $500 which,
now that I write it, does sound like a big investment -- unless you have
the thing in front of you -- then it seems so totally unworthy a price for
what, I assure you, is genuinely a masterwork...
Thank you SO much, Dave! I really had NO idea when I placed my order some
long time ago what a wondrous object you would send! My wife and I enjoyed
it together arm in arm for a long time last night and it made us feel very
happy! Especially those delicate spring blossoms peeking out while we're
still locked under a few inches of snow here in February!
Any downside? Well, honestly -- the QUALITY of this first print is damned
intimidating to me!
-- Mike
Mike Lyon
Kansas City, Missouri