Today's postings

  1. [Baren 26122] October 1 sign-up #23 THEME (Mike Lyon)
  2. [Baren 26123] press help (Barbara Mason)
  3. [Baren 26124] Re: October 1 sign-up #23 THEME (Thomas Davis)
  4. [Baren 26125] Re: October 1 sign-up #23 THEME (CaveArtist #
  5. [Baren 26126] Re: press help (Myron Turner)
  6. [Baren 26127] Re: press help (Barbara Mason)
  7. [Baren 26128] AW: press help ("Peter Petersen")
  8. [Baren 26129] Re: press help (CaveArtist #
  9. [Baren 26130] press help and shin-hanga show (Barbara Mason)
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Message 1
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 09:55:05 -0500
Subject: [Baren 26122] October 1 sign-up #23 THEME
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Sign-up for Exchange #23 begins tomorrow, October 1. Information page is

This exchange will be oban size about 15 x 10 inches (38 x 25.5 cm) and has
a THEME !! There have been a LOT of good suggestions and discussion about
potential themes during the past several weeks. There were several votes
for "food", "landscape", and "a place to think", seven supported "tribute
to a poet", nine liked "I want to be a machine", but Bette Wappner's
original suggestion, "This leads me to an idea for a future exchange - to
tribute one or leading people who have been instrumental in the printmaking
arts. With the conversation here about colleges debating keeping
printmaking in their curriculum, it is only due to the passion of those who
keep this art alive." was put forward in one form or another thirteen
times, so let's make that our official theme for exchange #23:

"Tribute to a most influential printmaker"

Please read the complete details of Exchange #23 BEFORE you sign up, and
good luck -- this promises to be a most interesting exchange!

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
Kansas City, Missouri
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Message 2
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 08:28:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 26123] press help
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Press people,

I have a tabletop combination press, motorized. It is an old Dickerson, which I absolutely love. We are moving it and it is so very heavy...My sons think they are not as strong as they were 12 years ago and so far the press is still sitting in the old space. They are thinking about how to move it. It probably weighs about 350 pounds. I know the top roller comes out...but how????? Anyone have any idea????? I have never used it for Litho so don't have a clue. Help!

Also I am thinking of taking the motor off....any suggestions before I totally foul it up???
Any way to make it lighter will help. I am dying here...I need my press!

I know all you hanga people are snickering, and I agree. But I have one leg in each camp and think I am probably standing deeper in oil than water.......a bad thing to admit on a mostly water based list.
Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
Best to all,
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Message 3
From: Thomas Davis
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:28:55 -0400
Subject: [Baren 26124] Re: October 1 sign-up #23 THEME
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That sounds wonderful. I am looking forward to seeing what people are
going to do for it. I hope to learn from these gifted folks. I am
going to pass this time, but i hope to be in the next one. :) It will
be great to see this as it unfolds and it will better prepare me for
future participation.


Art...the new piece of mind.
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Message 4
From: CaveArtist #
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:55:02 EDT
Subject: [Baren 26125] Re: October 1 sign-up #23 THEME
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The theme is a good one, but like Thomas, I will have to pass. I'm so new, I
don't have any influential printmakers to pull out of my hat for this.

Looking forward to the next invitation.

Julie Russell-Steuart
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Message 5
From: Myron Turner
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 11:29:06 -0500
Subject: [Baren 26126] Re: press help
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I have a press which weighs about 700 pounds which I've moved three timesin
the past 25 years. There are times when it's just worth hiring a mover!
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Message 6
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:12:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 26127] Re: press help
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I am not against hiring it done, but my sons move very heavy stuff all the time in our industrial business...the difference is they have a cement floor all the way...this has to go from a cement studio floor to a gravel drive to a truck to a gravel drive to the normal lift stuff they use doesn't have the right wheels for gravel and the u-rent place doesn't seem to have it either. I agree it is not worth it for someone to get hurt...but think I can drop at least 150 pounds off the press by removing the motor and top roller, both of which are made to come off. I just want a little help so I don't remove the wrong screws...I am sure someone out there knows how to do is just finding the right person!
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Message 7
From: "Peter Petersen"
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 20:18:05 +0200
Subject: [Baren 26128] AW: press help
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sorry from Switzerland it would be to difficult
to help you. I hope you will manage this issue.
-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
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Message 8
From: CaveArtist #
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:35:31 EDT
Subject: [Baren 26129] Re: press help
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Barbara, These people have the same press,
perhaps you could contact them about how to take the parts off.

Can you use a drop-bed trailer to move the press? Use industrial casters and
a winch to load the press onto it, then haul with pickup to your location....

It took us hours to get a Vandercook Proof press at 1 Ton moved this way. We
also had ground inclines at both ends to deal with. Always helps to go slow.
Good luck!

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Message 9
From: Barbara Mason
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 16:26:55 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 26130] press help and shin-hanga show
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Hi all,
Thanks to Dean at Graphic Chemical and Printmakers Machine Co. I now have the exact directions on how to take the roller out of my press, taking 70# of weight with it. I am very grateful! I just love this press, the bed drops to take the pressure off, so it is ideal for block printing! I use it mostly for solarplate, I admit.

On a shin-hanga note,

Shoguns gallery in Portland OR
1111 NW 23rd

is having an exhibit and sale of 20th century Sekino, Najima, Hasui, Yoshida, Otsuka and others...

Preview reception is Oct 6th 6-8pm

First Thursday reception Oct 7th 6-8pm

See their website at

Anyone want to go with me? I think I will go Wednesday night. I will report back if it is really good.
Best to all,