Today's postings

  1. [Baren 24912] solarplate workshops (Cucamongie #
  2. [Baren 24913] New Print posted (cary_benbow #
  3. [Baren 24914] Re: New Print posted (Aqua4tis #
  4. [Baren 24915] Re: Baren Digest (old) V27 #2626 (Jan Telfer)
  5. [Baren 24916] Re: New Print posted (Wanda)
  6. [Baren 24917] Re: Baren Digest (old) V27 #2626 (JEANNE CHASE)
  7. [Baren 24918] First Hanga print ("HARRY FRENCH")
  8. [Baren 24919] Re: First Hanga print (MccarthyDb #
  9. [Baren 24920] May Course in Japan: Japanese Culture and the Woodblock Print ("Martin C. Stack")
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Message 1
From: Cucamongie #
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 09:09:07 EDT
Subject: [Baren 24912] solarplate workshops
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sorry to post non-woodblock stuff, but since some folks have expressed
interest in solarplate etching, here goes:
Here are a bunch of upcoming workshops taught by the originator of
solarplate, Dan Welden. I have taken workshops with him and he's great. You can find
out more about the technique at
Happy printing, Sarah

Here are workshop dates and contact phone nos. and emails for each workshop:

May 22, 23 The Studio of Julio Valdez, New York City 212 246-6260

May 31-June 4 The Victor D'Amico Institute of Art, Amagansett, NY
631/ 267-3172

June 5,6 South Shore Arts Center, Cohasset, MA
contact Sarah Hannan 781/ 383-2787

June 18,19,20 Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, CT
203/ 899-7999

June 28-July 2 The Printmaking Center, Sante Fe, New Mexico,
contact Don Messec 505 820 7875

July 3,4,5 Lynch Press, Taos, New Mexico.
contact Jennifer Lynch 505/737-0131

August 26-31 Open Press, Denver,CO
contact Mark, Lunning 303/778-1116

Sept. 18,19 The Andy Warhol Foundation hosted by the Nature Conservancy
contact 631/267-3172 (the Art Barge)

Oct. 2,3 South Shore Arts Center, Cohasset, MA
contact Sarah Hannan 781/ 383-2787

April, 2005
Mykanos, Greece
contact Dan Welden >>
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Message 2
From: cary_benbow #
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 13:34:10 +0000
Subject: [Baren 24913] New Print posted
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Well, I finally worked up the nerve to actually use my personal web page and post a print for all to see.
It's tough for us lurkers, you know. : )

You can see my print at:

When I see all the examples that are on the websites of other Baren members, I feel like I need more practice (for the website and printmaking). But, Baren being what it is, I feel I am in good company for a critique that I will enjoy.
Special thanks to Dan Dew who helped me with suggestions for block preparation and printing a'la Speedball.

I would also like to mention Lynita Shimizu's recent website update which I find very nice. Lynita, if you are reading, I really enjoy your work. Your prints of Grackles remind me of my Grandma feeding the birds in her yard.

Hopefully the link will work for my webpage. It was literally created minutes ago, but I will try to stay optimistic!

Thanks, Cary

Cincinnati, Ohio
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Message 3
From: Aqua4tis #
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:15:28 -0400
Subject: [Baren 24914] Re: New Print posted
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very nice print cary!!!!
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Message 4
From: Jan Telfer
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 00:03:18 +0800
Subject: [Baren 24915] Re: Baren Digest (old) V27 #2626
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you wrote:
>Do I remember that someone who wasn't on the new years exchange list
>posting that he/her was going to do a monkey and would like to
>exchange with some of us? Let me know if I didn't dream this.
>I just finished mine and have a few extras.

It was Jeanne Norman Chase.

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Message 5
From: Wanda
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:11:52 -0700
Subject: [Baren 24916] Re: New Print posted
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Good job, Cary! On the print and on getting it up there! Six blocks? You
are really brave!

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Message 6
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:38:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Baren 24917] Re: Baren Digest (old) V27 #2626
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Yes, Carole, twas' me.
I thought I had posted all of the Monkey participants, but if I did not, let me know.

Jeanne N.

Thanks , Jan
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Message 7
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 08:12:25 +0100
Subject: [Baren 24918] First Hanga print
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Greetings Masters, mentors and fellow apprentices,
I'm back from down south and pleased to be home in the eastern sticks.
I arrived at Lawrence's for my annual 'western' printmaking gear armed with all the advice you gave me on Barenforum about papers etc. and promptly started asking the right questions to Alexis. It was a grandiose day and I came out with a portfolio of exotic papers, including some most unusual Hemp,Banana,Tea and Straw fibred Indian Khadi.
In the studio, I have just completed my first Hanga print based upon sketches of Sutton bridge done on my way to Suffolk County (UK) last month.
The atmosphere in the studio was quite different from normal ; quiet, calm and full of expectation : no linseed, copperplate oil and turpentine aromas:no dazzling bleached machine made papers and no grinding and crushing of wood under the weight of my intaglio press.
The action of sweeping the woodblock with colour using round pastry brushes was not as I expected because my limited skills with watercolour painting kicked in. During the afternoons I reverted back to oil by printing a linseed edition... mainly to create a comparison of both techniques.
The correct dampness of the paper and the mixing of inks is obviously my main problem. However, that's something only I can resolve with practice.
My concern that any waterbased glues supporting my plywood block would cause drifting did not materialise.

I'll continue to use both printing methods in the future, but Hanga has so many new possibilities, particularly with those fabulous papers. can say thousands of words so I have created several web pages, if you are interested, to see my first efforts of Hanga printing, the original drawings and a comparison print with linseed oil inks.
English landscape fans could also view the road to my small studio along Lodge Lane, now full of cherry blossom which always reminds me of Japan and Ando Hiroshige.
Take care
Merrie England...(well at this fleeting and floating moment in time).
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Message 8
From: MccarthyDb #
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 07:06:54 EDT
Subject: [Baren 24919] Re: First Hanga print
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Archivist's Note: Message contained no content
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Message 9
From: "Martin C. Stack"
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 08:35:25 -0400
Subject: [Baren 24920] May Course in Japan: Japanese Culture and the Woodblock Print
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(Please excuse cross/repeat postings)

Greetings! I am writing to let you know about a course that is being offered at the Japan Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU) in Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan this coming May. The course is Japanese Culture and the Woodblock Print and runs from May 6 - 24. We still have room for a few more participants for this course. Please see the JCMU website for more details about this specific course.

Just as a quick background note...JCMU is a product of the sister-state relationship between the State of Michigan and Shiga Prefecture. It is located on the shore of Lake Biwa in the City of Hikone, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. Its programs are dedicated to building relationships between Japanese, Americans, and other nationalities through active learning and participation in language, culture, family life and society.

The May Short Program is an opportunity for individuals interested in study abroad to get a taste of life in Japan while having the opportunity to earning college credit. The May Short Program also welcomes non-student particpants who have a personal or professional interest in the courses offered. Instruction is in English and no prior Japanese language study is required. The program dates are May 6 through May 24th, 2004. Contact the JCMU office at Michigan State University or review the JCMU web site for details.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Martin C. Stack, Educational Program Coordinator
Japan Center for Michigan Universities
110 International Academic Center, MSU
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-4654 / (517) 353-8727 (FAX)
JCMU Web Site
Please check-out the new JCMU Site -