Maria Arango Las Vegas, Nevada USA
(Click image to pop-up an enlargement)
Artist's comments ...
Name: Maria Arango
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USAPrint Title: Moon Shadow
Paper Dimension: 10 x 15 inches
Image Dimension: 7 x 13 inches
Block: Plank cherry and cork
Ink: Daniel Smith water-based and dry pigment
Paper: Arches Black
Edition: 56
Comments: Process: Still working with cork to achieve softer images. I wanted to see what cork would print like on black paper and use the paper as a shadow coming through the semi-transparent inks. As a bonus, the cork warped when I washed it after proofing and thus made the roller ride on the edges of the moon, making the ink in the center a bit softer. I added irridescent dry pigment (Daniel Smith) to all the colors to make the print glow--look at it under very dim light.Image: Exploring Yoga poses again and the marriage of humans and nature. This seems more pertinent these days when the impact of humans on nature is finally the topic of talk in the media.
I thought of over-printing the figure once more, but I liked the melding of woman and moon, set off by the darker paper between the two.