Tyrus Clutter


(Click image to pop-up an enlargement )

Artist's comments ...

This is cut from two blocks of poplar and is printed on Buff Rives. I've done probably less than ten linoleum prints and realized that this is really only the third woodcut I've cut and printed. While I generally like people to find their own meaning in my pieces (the Postmodernist in me I guess) I will reveal the motives for the image. This is the essence of Jesus for me. I wanted to do an image which dealt with the washing of the feet of the apostles, but was plagued by the idea of hanging feet. Eventually I was able to see that this represents Judas, the betrayer of Christ who hanged himself because of the guilt. Jesus, as Rabbi and Lord of the apostles, humbled himself enough to wash their feet - he became the servant. He was also willing to wash the feet of his betrayer, calling him friend when Judas led a mob to arrest him.

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