Wood qualities ... (entry by Mary Krieger, Winnipeg, Manitoba)

Here's a list of wood qualities that are important when choosing wood to make a wood cut. How important each quality is depends on your image, your cutting approach and experience, your printing method, the number of prints you intend making, and the thickness of your wallet.

The 'ideal' wood:


The list of woods recommended in the texts I have on hand include:

List of woods I have seen [Baren] members mention using:

  • cherry
  • birch plywood
  • basswood
  • Shina (basswood) plywood
  • dogwood
  • boxwood
  • lemonwood
  • tempered masonite
  • pine
  • cherry plywood
  • "doorskin"

Another helpful approach might be to ask which woods local carvers prefer. These will have many of the characteristics useful for wood blocks.