August 2009 Archives

New tool to aid in wrapping baren

David Bull alerted me of a new tool available from Matsumura-san. It is an ingenious device to aid in holding down the baren pad while wrapping a new bamboo skin. You'll find these in the Baren Mall under the 'Printing Accessories' section ...

Here are some videos of the tool in action courtesy of the Woodlike Matsumura website.

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Tsukasa Yoshida Year of the Ox print


Anyone familiar with the Yoshida family of printmakers knows of founder Hiroshi Yoshida (1876-1950) and son's Toshi (1911-1995) and Hodaka (1926-1995). Besides the men, the women artists in the family also have carried on the family legacy.

The Yoshida family studio and enterprises is currently run by Toshi's son Tsukasa Yoshida (b. 1949) a well known printmaker on his own right. I was looking over Matsumura-san collection of Year of the Ox prints when I came across this wonderful image by Tsukasa. For more info on the Yoshida family visit this link at

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