Today's postings

  1. [Baren 45098] RE: City of The World (jerelee basist)
  2. [Baren 45099] Re: City of The World (mary caulfield)
  3. [Baren 45100] Subject: Re: Museum of Printing-Gretchen Greene (greg.bentz #
  4. [Baren 45101] RES: Re: City of The World ("Maria Regina Pinto Pereira")
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Message 1
From: jerelee basist
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 00:40:40 GMT
Subject: [Baren 45098] RE: City of The World
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I am going to be blunt and brutally honest toward those selfish individuals who have not gotten their blocks to Maria. She is an artist with her own agenda and timeline and her time is valuable. You individuals who have not delievered your promised carve block should be ashamed of yourself. She volunteers her physical and emotional strength to this project and you have just disrespected her and everyone else who joined this project by "making a choice of not sending in your carved block". The block was due DECEMBER 31st not February. Maria is too nice and kind to tell you to get your ass in gear. My mom died this fall and I had to take many trips from Md to Florida to take care of her and then deal with the funeral. My sister has cancer and I am a single mom. However, I made a choice by making sure my block came in. SHAME ON YOU!!!Jerelee

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Message 2
From: mary caulfield
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 02:38:38 GMT
Subject: [Baren 45099] Re: City of The World
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Sorry to hear you have been having such a hard time Jerlee. You are right, a decision to participate should be respected. And if someone such as yourself, with the difficulties you have faced has prepared and delivered the work, then I'm sure everyone in the group should deliver.
Best of luck to you
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Message 3
From: greg.bentz #
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 03:11:58 GMT
Subject: [Baren 45100] Subject: Re: Museum of Printing-Gretchen Greene
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Thanks for the heads up on the museum of printing. Would you believe that I actually worked two blocks away from that place for a year and didn't even know it existed (til now)! Unfortunately they are closed till some time in March but I will definately look into it. I suspect that my first light table from Bailey Press may be in there!


Gregory Bentz
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Message 4
From: "Maria Regina Pinto Pereira"
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2012 08:17:18 GMT
Subject: [Baren 45101] RES: Re: City of The World
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Dear Jerelee

I hope you have a better year this 2012!

Kisses and a warm hug

Maria Pinto