Today's postings

  1. [Baren 41281] Exchange 45: dropping out (Rachel Silber)
  2. [Baren 41282] engraving (jennifer kelly)
  3. [Baren 41283] engraving (jennifer kelly)
  4. [Baren 41284] RE: engraving ("Maria Arango Diener")
  5. [Baren 41285] Exchanges w/ Four Oceans Press ("Heather P.")
  6. [Baren 41286] Prints for Charity? (Leigh Beatty)
  7. [Baren 41287] Re: visit with Kyoto woodblock printmaker Mamoru Ichimura - video (Julio.Rodriguez #
  8. [Baren 41288] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
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Message 1
From: Rachel Silber
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:32:38 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41281] Exchange 45: dropping out
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The good news about exchange 44 this morming made me think of the next

I signed up for exchange 45 and almost immediately realized that the project
I had in mind was not going to fit with the amount of time I have available.
I've sent two emails to the "coordinator" email address on the web page
asking to be dropped, but neither email was acknowledged and the last time I
checked my name was still on the list.

So I'm making a public statement that I'm dropping out of the exchange, and
I hope someone can help me take care of this properly? I'm sure my
previous emails are misdirected or something.

best regards,
Rachel Silber
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Message 2
From: jennifer kelly
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:41:52 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41282] engraving
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Hi all. Does anyone have any recommendations for types of timber for engraving. Types local to Austalia would be the easiest for me to source.Jenny
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Message 3
From: jennifer kelly
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 13:48:17 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41283] engraving
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Repeat of Message #2
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Message 4
From: "Maria Arango Diener"
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 15:41:41 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41284] RE: engraving
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In general, end-grain hard woods will produce good engravings.

I confess I don't know specific to Australia, but

both have suitable woods for engraving such as end-grain maple (the staple
of engravers). Lemon and boxwood are two others that I have tried, with
boxwood taking the number one price.

If you are new to engraving, you might want to try Resingrave, not a wood
but a resin product that is very suitable for nice engravings.

Also, any super-hard plank wood will yield decent engravings, hard maple or
even some cherry heartwood.

Daryl DePry, also on this list, made me a walnut end-grain block and that
was also very good to engrave. You might want to ask him how he made the

Good luck,



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Message 5
From: "Heather P."
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 16:16:29 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41285] Exchanges w/ Four Oceans Press
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These are exchanges out side Baren...

Join our "Dessert" Alphabet Exchange... All details can be found here:

Print Deadline:   June 15,

Another Exchange we have Open for sign-up's is our "West" Exchange - the last in our Cardinal Directions Series:

Print Deadline: July 15, 2010

Now find us on FaceBook - Be our friend & share your Art...

Keep your eyes open for our new Exchanges to be added this Summer...
Happy Spring... I wish it to be a
artistically productive year for each of us :)

Thanks &
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Message 6
From: Leigh Beatty
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 19:27:29 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41286] Prints for Charity?
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I have recently signed up for a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and I'm starting to panic over how I will raise the funds needed so I got this wild-hair idea. What if I could sell some prints to raise my funds. I don't have a blog (it has been on my to-do list though) or a website, I've been in a few exchanges but I've never sold any prints before. I don't need to raise a lot ($2200) and my bike ride is in September so if I could get something going, it would have to be quick. I don't have a huge stock or prints but I will work my tail off to get some finished. I am willing to put all monies to the non-profit fund except mailing so it would be tax-deductible for the donor/purchaser.

Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to go about this? Local businesses or on line? Any advice?

Thanks, Leigh
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Message 7
From: Julio.Rodriguez #
Date: Sat, 22 May 2010 05:04:41 GMT
Subject: [Baren 41287] Re: visit with Kyoto woodblock printmaker Mamoru Ichimura - video
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Just added a video to the baren blog on Kyoto printmaker Mamoru Ichimura.
Is a visit to his studio during the printing of a set of four postcard
images (all carved on one block). For those of us that have problems
printing editions of 30+ prints....notice the very large stack of sheets
to be printed directly in front of him and the large number of pigment
jars against the wall. Nice video with some insights into the craft and
also nice music to boot......


Digest Appendix

Postings made on [Baren] members' blogs
over the past 24 hours ...

Subject: Gold and Silver Falls (woodblock print)
Posted by: Viza Arlington

Artist: Viza Arlington
Title: Gold and Silver Falls
oil-based woodbock print with gold and silver leaf the sky is silver leaf with india ink rubbed into it
image size:17X26
paper size: 22X30

This item is taken from the blog VIZArt.
'Reply' to Baren about this item.