Today's postings

  1. [Baren 28497] RE: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3152 ("marilynn smih")
  2. [Baren 28498] hard vs soft wood (FurryPressII #
  3. [Baren 28499] Re: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3132 (Sharri LaPierre)
  4. [Baren 28500] RE: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3152 ("marilynn smih")
  5. [Baren 28501] Re matt laine (Aqua4tis #
  6. [Baren 28502] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification (Blog Manager)
  7. [Baren 28503] Re: Tengu, good or evil? (Julio.Rodriguez #
  8. [Baren 28504] Re: Kento registration (Jan Telfer)
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Message 1
From: "marilynn smih"
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 08:46:22 -0700
Subject: [Baren 28497] RE: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3152
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Jan I am excited for you. It is indeed grand to have good supplies. I have fallen in love with myrtle wood. It is harder than basswood, but still carves with ease and the lines are much better. I also liked Black walnut. The cherry I got was from South America and way too hard. I was told it is not the same as the cherry from the states. I think it is wise to branch out and try new woods, that way you find the one that you like the best for the way you carve, each of us are individuals.
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Message 2
From: FurryPressII #
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 12:06:53 EDT
Subject: [Baren 28498] hard vs soft wood
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Hard wood like maple allows for very thin lines and a great amount of
detail. Another advantage with maple is that it does not chip or splinter like
some soft woods.

john c.
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Message 3
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 09:08:28 -0700
Subject: [Baren 28499] Re: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3132
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I think it was Richard, though it may have been Graham, who had me put
the kento along the long side of the block even though my image was
vertical. I seem to vaguely remember something about putting it along
the longest side because it narrowed the chances for error. At any
rate, you can put it wherever it works for you - upside down,
backwards, it makes no difference, as long as they are alike and in the
same place for each color -

Keep on printin',
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Message 4
From: "marilynn smih"
Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 09:38:51 -0700
Subject: [Baren 28500] RE: Baren Digest (old) V32 #3152
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I got curious and did a web search on Tengu. Here is an interesting site that describes them.
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Message 5
From: Aqua4tis #
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 14:59:59 EDT
Subject: [Baren 28501] Re matt laine
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matt please email me at
thank you
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Message 6
From: Blog Manager
Date: 9 Aug 2005 03:55:05 -0000
Subject: [Baren 28502] Baren Member blogs: Update Notification
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This is an automatic update message being sent to [Baren] by the forum blog software.

The following new entries were found on the listed printmaker's websites during the past 24 hours. (8 sites checked, just before midnight Eastern time)


Site Name: Wood Engraver

Author: Andy English
Item: Californian Bird Life

Author: Andy English
Item: Sorry about the silence. We are making our way thr...


[Baren] members: if you have a printmaking blog (or a website with a published ATOM feed), and wish it to be included in this daily checklist, please write to the Baren Blog Manager at:
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Message 7
From: Julio.Rodriguez #
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 00:07:20 -0500
Subject: [Baren 28503] Re: Tengu, good or evil?
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Tom, this is the funniest ! I was reading your email about Tengu when all
of the sudden on the tv pops a commercial for KFC with a rock/punk band
playing a concert and all the band members have a bird head on.....they
look like chicken's I guess....but right away I thought of modern day
Tengu !!!!

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Message 8
From: Jan Telfer
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 18:37:30 +0800
Subject: [Baren 28504] Re: Kento registration
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Dear Linda,

It is easier to handle the paper, especially if the design is long
horizontally or vertically (doesn't matter) if you cut the kentos on
the longer side and the corner one doesn't matter what side it is to
the right or left hand edge.......... please yourself.

Many printers have a one corner preference right or left, but I always
edge mine where I have the paper size ege/border fixed to the top of my
design so that I can extend the paper size further if I wish either
after proofing or at a later date.

Your choice.

Perth, W Aust