Today's postings

  1. [Baren 25345] Re: I got good news from Japan (Sharri LaPierre)
  2. [Baren 25346] Re: I got good news from Japan (michael schneider)
  3. [Baren 25347] Re: I got good news from Japan ("marilynn smih")
  4. [Baren 25348] Re: I got good news from Japan (michael schneider)
  5. [Baren 25349] Cliff Hanga ("Harry French")
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Message 1
From: Sharri LaPierre
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 09:29:10 -0700
Subject: [Baren 25345] Re: I got good news from Japan
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Congratulations! You are an energetic, hardworking artist who is
innovative and visionary, and no one deserves the recognition more than
you. It's a credit to the people in Japan to see this and acknowledge
your work. Ahhhh, to have such people here!! So happy for you. How's
the rock supply holding out? Let me know if you need any, I have more
than I need here. LOL

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Message 2
From: michael schneider
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 00:51:39 +0200
Subject: [Baren 25346] Re: I got good news from Japan
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Thank you for your offer Sharri, but I am not in any danger to run out
of stones. There is plenty of supply here too and and they tend to serve
as a useful tool for a long time. I look forward to my next trip to
Japan and will deliver a report to the fellow bareners.

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Message 3
From: "marilynn smih"
Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:03:20 -0700
Subject: [Baren 25347] Re: I got good news from Japan
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Michael, congragulations, I am so happy for you. We would like you to visit
the states again too. But I guess if Japan was showing my work I would go
there first as well. I loved your work when you shared with us at the
summit. Sooo when is the next summit, ooops I guess if I can not put it on
I should not ask?????
#21 is baring along.

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Message 4
From: michael schneider
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 11:26:16 +0200
Subject: [Baren 25348] Re: I got good news from Japan
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marilynn smih wrote:

in fact it seem like I will visit the US even before I will travel to
Japan. I have been asked to teach the printmaking courses in Fall at the
art department of Webster University in St. Louis. As soon as the dean
approves the budget I will buy the tickets. Maybe I should have a closer
look into frequent flyer programs after all. The summit was a memorable
event and has set a standard not easy to top. I will step forward to
organize a summit, when everybody is tiered of meeting in the US and
desire to meet in the EU is overwhelming.

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Message 5
From: "Harry French"
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 12:13:24 +0100
Subject: [Baren 25349] Cliff Hanga
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Greetings Bareners and Surimono exchangers,
I was confident that I would be as safe as houses starting my Surimono print with an edition of 50...wrong.. with 3 colours and embossing to go I am down to's a cliff Hanga. This has proved a theory of mine : I am so interested in the possibilities of individual prints that editions are problematic. Nevertheless, an edition will be sent to you, b'oki , on time even if I have to start again. In future I think I'll submit to the Swop Shop sector.
Meanwhile, keep all the news about your exhibitions, updated recent work and technical problems rolling : it is brilliant, especially Marilynn's postings of her Surimono extravangza!
Practicing what I preach, my latest print theme is based upon the pavement (sidewalk?) but doesn't conform to the standards of baren prints it's a

All the best

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