Today's postings

  1. [Baren 24676] Re: Haiku site (Jan Telfer)
  2. [Baren 24677] Re: Haiku site (Bette Norcross Wappner)
  3. [Baren 24678] Exchange 21 (Woodblocksteve #
  4. [Baren 24679] Carving and Poetry (ArtfulCarol #
  5. [Baren 24680] Re: Exchange 21 (Mike Lyon)
  6. [Baren 24681] Re: Exchange 21 ("Diane Cutter")
  7. [Baren 24682] puzzle print (L Cass)
  8. [Baren 24683] Re: Exchange 21 (Mike Lyon)
  9. [Baren 24684] Re: Exchange 21 ("Matt Laine")
  10. [Baren 24685] Re: Exchange #21 size (Jsf73 #
  11. [Baren 24686] Re: Baren Exchange 20 (Darrell Madis)
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Message 1
From: Jan Telfer
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 22:17:48 +0800
Subject: [Baren 24676] Re: Haiku site
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> I'm happy to announce another excellent edition of Simply Haiku online...

Thank you for this very enlightening site..... I see the modern
interpretation of Haiku poetry accompanies the illustration and not
like a "Helen Steiner Rice" poem on the print!

The other site I opened from this one was in deed very helpful too:


and gives very good examples of the three lined Haiku poetry..... check
this site out it is well worth it.

Here we go with Exchange #21!!

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Message 2
From: Bette Norcross Wappner
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 09:32:20 -0500
Subject: [Baren 24677] Re: Haiku site
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Hi Jan,

Glad you enjoy "Simply Haiku". Be sure to browse the great archives
there as well.

This 'cranberrydesigns' site you've shared here is good. There are alot
of great sites to read up on haiku. I'll put together some basic
educational information on writing haiku and contribute some additional
sites as well. There is alot to learn about surimono. But I've noticed
that alot of text books on the subject are expensive. There's quite a
bit of info. online with a simple search.

I'd love to see your carved calligraphy woodblock. Do you have it
online anywhere?

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Message 3
From: Woodblocksteve #
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 10:20:06 EST
Subject: [Baren 24678] Exchange 21
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Hi Everyone,

I would like to participate in exchange 21. I'm easy about the format etc
but I've been amused by all the discussion about it. I'm new to this so how are
the details eventually decided? Is there a referee? Does it come down to
arm-wrestling or paper/rock/scissors maybe? Will it be decided before or after
the sign-up?

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Message 4
From: ArtfulCarol #
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 10:31:25 EST
Subject: [Baren 24679] Carving and Poetry
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Munakata did a 12 set carved portfolio of the poems of Walt Whitman's "Leaves
of Grass". Most were about 14"x 12" or 16"x 13", illustrated in his book.

When it was pointed out to him that he tended to reverse the "s" and in some
cases leave it out completely, he made some corrections but on the outer cover
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Message 5
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 09:38:01 -0600
Subject: [Baren 24680] Re: Exchange 21
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Steve wrote:
>I would like to participate in exchange 21... I'm new to this so
>how are the details eventually decided? Is there a referee? Does it come
>down to arm-wrestling or paper/rock/scissors maybe? Will it be decided
>before or after the sign-up?

Well, that's more or less my role here, Steve... I'm the so-called
"exchange manager" for Baren, so early next week (before the sign-up
begins) I'll try to sort out all the 'votes' and, if there appears to be a
consensus, I'll announce a size and theme for #21 and then put up the
sign-up page and open it up at the correct time (unless I 'zone' which
occasionally happens -- but sign-ups still are recorded and time-stamped,
so it all gets properly sorted out) on April 1... Right now it looks like
#21 is likely to be a surimono size and style exchange (fanciest printing
on a small sheet) theme: the four seasons -- poem optional... Well, that's
the way it seems to me to be shaping up... Keep those opinions rolling in
and stay tuned !

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
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Message 6
From: "Diane Cutter"
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 11:54:53 -0400
Subject: [Baren 24681] Re: Exchange 21
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Hi, Mike...

Since I do plan to be on the exchange list, then I guess I'd better express my "drathers". I would rather the four elements or nude. The Haiku sounds intriguing but I'm a little intimidated with the written word. And I'd prefer oban or smaller (or "other") since this is a first time effort for me..

Of course if that haiku is in Spanish, well... quizas....quizas....quizas

And thank you to Julio, Frank and Carol for the kind words on my art. It made me feel very welcome to be among such a supportive group. It took away the trepidation I had about joining in with such a talented, dedicated group.

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Message 7
From: L Cass
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 11:05:02 -0500
Subject: [Baren 24682] puzzle print
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Hello All-

My puzzle prints arrived the other day - very easy to open and very
handsome indeed
Bravo Maria! and thanks to you and Barabara (and carvers) for all the work
I'll be looking for a public place to exhibit them eventually but am
presently preparing
another show of my work for the month of May -rather too soon after
November but it was
arranged some time ago and is at the opposite end of the city (in a
restaurant that has been
showing artists monthly for the last 18 years) If anyone in TO besides Emma
and John reads
this - it's the Beacher Café at 2162 Queen St East. Woodcuts will be
included bien sur

Is the next exchange hanga moku only? and the elements theme with separate
haiku sounds good

Louise Cass
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Message 8
From: Mike Lyon
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 10:40:46 -0600
Subject: [Baren 24683] Re: Exchange 21
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Diane wrote:
>Since I do plan to be on the exchange list, then I guess I'd better
>express my "drathers". I would rather the four elements or nude. The
>Haiku sounds intriguing but I'm a little intimidated with the written
>word. And I'd prefer oban or smaller (or "other") since this is a first
>time effort for me..
>... Right now it looks like #21 is likely to be a surimono size and style
>exchange (fanciest printing on a small sheet) theme: the four seasons --
>poem optional...

Of course, of course!!! four ELEMENTS, I meant... not four
SEASONS! Vivaldi got me!

-- Mike

Mike Lyon
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Message 9
From: "Matt Laine"
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 11:48:09 -0500
Subject: [Baren 24684] Re: Exchange 21
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Steve wrote:
>I would like to participate in exchange 21...
>I'm new to this so how are the details eventually decided? Is there a referee?
>Does it come down to arm-wrestling or paper/rock/scissors maybe? Will it be
> decided before or after the sign-up?

Good question --- does anyone have a good answer?
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Message 10
From: Jsf73 #
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 13:47:53 EST
Subject: [Baren 24685] Re: Exchange #21 size
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Jan wrote:

> Surely the paper size doesn't matter so much if you still prefer to do
> a small print, but if you are carving English letters of a poem into
> wood to print surely you can give those that want a larger format to
> use a bigger size paper.
> I have just carved my Large Print Exchange in calligraphed letters and
> you have no idea how difficult it is to carve curved lettering...

Jan you are assuming everyone will want to carve their letters... while many
people will likely not be doing so. I think the idea for an overleaf with
laser printed text is ahead in the polling.

I myself was thinking of overprinting with letterpress type....

I believe you can even feed finished prints thru a laser printer and
overwrite the image with text...of course I would test such a process.

John Center loves to carve tiny text, but I hear he will skip the next
exchange... he isnt into haiku...

John Furr
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Message 11
From: Darrell Madis
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 19:22:15 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [Baren 24686] Re: Baren Exchange 20
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Looks like we might be a participant short on Baren Exchange #20. If anyone neglected to sign up for the exchange but wants to get in now let me know at Prints are due May first.

The information for the exchange is at

Darrell, coordinator exchange 20