By suggestion of art history teacher Heidrun
Hultgren, with special permission from Catherine
Baker, Director of Enrollment Management and
Student Services at Kent State University's Geauga
Campus in Burton, Ohio, Baren's 6th Print Exchange
is being featured in a Showcase Exhibit in the main
lobby of the campus for the month of November.
Since the prints were small, it was decided that
hanging them on thick linen thread lines with tiny
clothespins would be an interesting way to show
them. At the fore of each line is a list of the
prints for that line, and includes each artist's
name, location, print title, and any other
information about the print that the artist
Here are some photos of the exhibit (click any
photo to see a pop-up enlargement).

Below the prints are two displays of the
materials used in moku hanga and western style
woodcuts and engravings, along with an explanation
of the differences between each. Small labels
identify each tool or art material.
